Your individual action can sustainably help to harmonise the benefits of air transport and ecology beyond CO2 offsetting!

The number of times you and others fly in an airplane to meet people and experience different cultures is going to grow significantly. However, the number of commercial aircraft models in operation is unlikely to change. Therefore, it is essential that the design of each model is perfected to the maximum in order to preserve our environment. This is exactly what Germany, United Kingdom and The Netherlands run ETW for. We are a non-profit research entity striving for continuous improvements to enable sustainable aviation.

Together we can make the world of aviation cleaner and contribute towards preserving the environment, this is how you can help:

  • Make scientific research or development (R&D) use of ETW and accelerate aircraft innovation,
  • Fund R&D projects at ETW to enable new aircraft technologies or design methodologies,
  • Sponsor new capabilities or jobs at ETW to increase ETW's performance and impact,
  • Donate ideas to improve ETW, or foster aircraft innovation with ETW,
  • Promote application of ETW in your circle,
  • Do something that we have never imagined possible before.

We are convinced that with your ideas and action and our engagement mutual benefits will arise. If you would like to contribute, simply get in touch and explore the possibilities:

European Transonic Windtunnel GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Guido DIETZ
51147 Köln, Germany

Of course other wind tunnels and CFD centres exist, however there is not one that shares the same blend of capabilities, spirit, and passion for continuous improvements in order to get forward.

Thank you for helping us pursue sustainable aviation. Special thanks to NATS, Airbus, Bockfilm, NZZ Format / Offroad Reports, Air Transport Action Group, and Parasol Island for their contributions to the video clip above.

Global aviation is one driver of sustainable development, bringing together people, businesses and communities - supporting trade and tourism. To achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, safe, reliable, efficient and cost-effective air transport is an essential component. In this respect, ETW has defined its priorities and directly and indirectly supports the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action