Conference & Journal Papers
A culture of continous improvements is part of ETW's DNA. Adaptability and agility from self-reflection and learning is valued as a key to our success. Publications given on or closely related to ETW are one performance indicator in this respect, and are listed here sorted by date, recent first.
Scale Resolving Simulation of Buffet Effects Induced by Ultrahigh Bypass Ratio Nacelle Installation | S. Spinner, R. Rudnik, DLR M. Herr, TU Braunschweig A. Probst, DLR R. Radespiel, TU Braunschweig |
Journal of Aircraft 62 (AiA) | January 2025 |
Transonic High Reynolds Number Transition Model Validation Based on ETW Cryogenic Wind Tunnel Data | M. Fehrs, S. Helm, DLR | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Paper AIAA 2025-1714 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
Aerodynamic Design of a Forward Swept NLF Wing for Short and Medium Range Aircraft | J.R. Bailo, DLR | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158666 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
Overview of the German LUFO Research Project ULTIMATE | H. Mai, DLR | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158665 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
Development of a Pitch Oscillator System for High Reynolds Number Testing at ETW | H. Quix, ETW | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158662 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
First Dynamic Test of a Laminar Wing at Realistic Flight Reynolds- and Mach-Numbers in the ETW | H. Mai, DLR | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158654 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
Demonstration of Natural Laminar Vertical Tail at High Reynolds Number Using a Cryogenic Wind Tunnel | N. Tokugawa, D. Kwak, T. Ishida, JAXA | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158633 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
News and Updates From the European Transonic Windtunnel | S. Gates, ETW | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158632 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
Development of Unsteady Measurement Techniques for High Reynolds Numbers at ETW | H. Quix, ETW | AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum Invited Oral Presentation 4158624 |
January 2025, Orlando, FL, USA |
A CFD Validation Ecosystem to Advance the Prediction of Low-Speed Aerodynamics | J.P. Slotnik, Boeing | ICAS 2024, 34th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences | September 2024 Florence, Italy |
Demonstration of natural laminar vertical tail at flight Reynolds number in ETW | N. Tokugawa, T. Ishida, JAXA, K. Ueshima, K. Ohira, Ryoyu Systems |
10th IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition Oral Presentation S8-3 |
September 2024 Nagano, Japan |
Pressure based NLF design for vertical tail of conventional aircraft and wind tunnel test model | T. Ishida, JAXA, K. Ueshima, K. Ohira, Ryoyu Systems, N. Tokugawa, JAXA |
10th IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition Poster P26 |
September 2024 Nagano, Japan |
Scale Resolving Simulation of Wing Lower Surface Buffet Effects Induced by the Installation of a UHBR Nacelle | S. Spinner, R. Rudnik, DLR M. Herr, TU Braunschweig A. Probst, DLR R. Radespiel, TU Braunschweig |
AIAA AVIATION 2024 Forum AIAA 2024-4264 |
July 2024, Las Vegas, NV, USA |
Application of Temperature-Sensitive Paint for transition detection on an NLF forward-swept wing under harmonic pitch oscillation at flight-relevant Mach and Reynolds numbers | N.P. van Hinsberg, U. Henne, C. Klein, DLR | 21st International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics Oral Presentation |
July 2024 Lisbon, Portugal |
Natural Laminar Flow at Cruise Mach Number 0.78: First Results of ETW Concept Verification Tests | A. Seitz, J.R. Bailo, T. Streit, DLR | ECCOMAS Congress 2024 | June 2024 Lisbon, Portugal |
Comparison of Lifetime-Based Pressure-Sensitive Paint Measurements in a Wind Tunnel Using Model Pitch–Traverse and Pitch–Pause Modes | C. Klein, D. Yorita, U. Henne, DLR | Photonics 11 (6) | June 2024 |
Numerical and experimental studies on high-speed stall phenomena | T. Lutz, A. Beck, Uni Stuttgart L. Koop, DLR |
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (1) | March 2024 |
Capturing Unsteady Flow Phenomena at High Speed Stall Conditions by Adaptation and Application of Cryogenic PIV | J. Bosbach, R. Konrath, R. Geisler, F. Philipp, J. Agocs, L. Koop, DLR C. Kühn, ETW |
AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum AIAA 2024-2665 |
January 2024, Orlando, FL, USA |
Determination of the response time of TSP in cryogenic conditions | C. Klein, S. Risius, U. Henne, DLR V. Ondrus, FH Münster |
AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum AIAA 2024-1093 |
January 2024, Orlando, FL, USA |
Investigation of Temperature Sensitive Paint Formulation for the Use from Cryogenic to Ambient Condition | D. Yorita, U. Henne, C. Klein, DLR V. Ondrus, FH Münster |
AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum AIAA 2024-1092 |
January 2024, Orlando, FL, USA |
Aeroacoustic testing on a full aircraft model at high Reynolds numbers in the European Transonic Windtunnel | T. Ahlefeldt, D. Ernst, A. Goudarzi, H.-G. Raumer, C. Spehr, DLR | Journal of Sound and Vibration 566 | December 2023 |
First Comparison of CFD Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test of the Forward-Swept Natural Laminar Flow Model NLF-ECOWING-FSW | S. Helm, K. Davies, M. Fehrs, DLR | New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIV | September2023 |
CFD-basierte Transitionsvorhersage für den Entwurf von Laminarflugzeugen | S. Helm, DLR | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023 | September 2023 |
Temperature Sensitive Paint measurement in ETW for investigation of the natural laminar flow on an innovative forward swept wing | N.P. van Hinsberg, U. Henne, A. Weiss, S. Risius, C. Klein, DLR | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023 | September 2023 |
Untersuchung der Umsetzbarkeit eines aeroelastisch ähnlichen Halbmodells für den Europäischen transsonischen Windkanal (ETW) | T. Klimmek, DLR | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023 | September 2023 |
Entwicklung eines laseroptischen Punktsensors auf Basis der Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Technik zum Einsatz unter kryogenen Bedingungen | A.-K. Hensch, P. Guntermann, ETW M. Dues, G. Stockhausen, DLR |
30. Fachtagung "Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik" der GALA e.V. | September 2023 |
Contribution of Scientific Computing in European Research and Innovation for Greening Aviation | D. Knoerzer, Independent Aeronautics Consultant, Brussels | Impact of Scientific Computing on Science and Society. Computational Methods in Applied Science 58 | July 2023 |
Contribution to the 7th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop Using TAS-code and FaSTAR | A. Sansica, M. Murayama, Y. Ito, A. Hashimoto, JAXA R. Furuya, Ryoyu Systems Co., Ltd |
AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum AIAA 2023-3397 |
June 2023, San Diego, CA, USA |
Mach and Reynolds number effects on transonic buffet on the XRF-1 transport aircraft wing at flight Reynolds number | A. Waldmann, M. C. Ehrle, J. Kleinert, Uni Stuttgart D. Yorita, DLR T. Lutz, Uni Stuttgart |
Experiments in Fluids 64 | May 2023 |
Prediction of wing buffet pressure loads using a convolutional and recurrent neural network framework | R. Zahn, A. Weiner, C. Breitsamter, TU München | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (1) | March 2023 |
Time-resolved pressure-sensitive paint measurements for cryogenic wind tunnel tests | D. Yorita, U. Henne, C. Klein, DLR | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (1) | January 2023 |
Temperature-Sensitive Paint measurements in combination with Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic models in cryogenic conditions | C. Klein, J. Lemarechal, U. Henne, S. Koch, DLR V. Ondrus, FH Münster A.-K. Hensch, ETW Sven Schaber, Airbus |
AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum AIAA 2023-1460 |
January 2023, National Harbor, MD, USA |
Remote control actuated wind tunnel models: design and testing best practices | F. T. Calkins, D. Nicholson, M. Carpenter, A. Lafranchi, Boeing D. R. Saxer, C. Cramer, NASA |
AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum AIAA 2023-1459 |
January 2023, National Harbor, MD, USA |
Embedded WMLES of transonic buffet on a nacelle-aircraft configuration | M. Herr, TU Braunschweig S. Spinner, A. Probst, DLR R. Radespiel, TU Braunschweig R. Rudnik, DLR |
AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum AIAA 2023-0246 |
January 2023, National Harbor, MD, USA |
Characterization of Transonic Buffet on a Swept Wing by Means of Cryogenic PIV | C.J. Schauerte, J. Bosbach, R. Konrath, R. Geisler, DLR F. Philipp, A.-M. Schreyer, RWTH Aachen |
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2022 | September 2022, January 2023 |
Experimental Assessment of Wing Lower Side Buffet Effects Induced by the Installation of a UHBR Nacelle | S. Spinner, R. Rudnik, DLR | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (1) | December 2022 |
Research Initiative for Numerical and Experimental Studies on High Speed Stall of Civil Aircraft | T. Lutz, J. Kleinert, A. Waldmann, Uni Stuttgart L. Koop, D. Yorita, DLR G. Dietz, M. Schulz, ETW |
Journal of Aircraft 60 (3) | November 2022 |
Prediction of transonic wing buffet pressure based on deep learning | R. Zahn, C. Breitsamter, TU München | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (1) | November 2022 |
Recent Activities on Flow Quality Assessment at the European Transonic Windtunnel | J.H. You, M.C.N. Wright, H. Quix, ETW | ICAS 2022, 33rd International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences | September 2022 Stockholm, Sweden |
The UK National Wind Tunnel Facility | L. Doherty, University of Oxford C. Mc Namara, K. Gouder, J. Morrison, Imperial College |
2nd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology | September 2022 Bruges, Belgium |
A new Efficient Method for Transition Detection with TSP by use of Infra-Red Laser Heating | A.-K. Hensch, P. Guntermann, ETW | 8th Japanese-German Joint Seminar on Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research Oral Presentation |
September 2022, Virtual Event |
A New Balance for New Testing Capabilities - ETW's New Balance B010 and the Lean Secondary Roll Mechanism | H. Quix, ETW | 12th International Symposium on Strain-Gauge Balances Oral Presentation |
May 2022, Buffalo, NY, USA |
Half-Span Model Testing Capability at the European Transonic Windtunnel (ETW) | J.H. You, ETW | 12th International Symposium on Strain-Gauge Balances Oral Presentation |
May 2022, Buffalo, NY, USA |
Limited Utility of Self-made Oxygen Generators Assembled From Everyday Commodities During the COVID-19 Pandemic | U. Limper, L. Klaas, M. Köhler, D. Lichte, DLR N. Maldonado Samaniego, USFQ J. Suarez, JHU J. Jordan, B. Hoffschmidt, DLR |
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 1-4 | May 2022 |
Model Mounting | K. Hufnagel, TU Darmstadt | Wind Tunnel Balances, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Springer | April 2022 |
Investigation of Pressure and Temperature Sensitive Paint Measurements under Background Lights and Deformation | D.Yorita, U. Henne, C. Klein, DLR | AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum AIAA 2022-1940 |
January 2022, San Diego, CA, USA |
Time resolved pressure measurements by means of PSP in cryogenic conditions | C. Klein, DLR | AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum AIAA 2022-1938 |
January 2022, San Diego, CA, USA |
Enhancing Capabilities - ETW's New Lean Secondary Roll Mechanism (LSRM) | H. Quix, ETW | AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum Invited Oral Presentation |
January 2022, San Diego, CA, USA |
Development of the Remotely Controlled Aileron Actuator (RCAA) for High Reynolds Number Testing at ETW | H. Quix, ETW | AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum Invited Oral Presentation |
January 2022, San Diego, CA, USA |
National Research Initiative for Numerical and Experimental Studies on High-Speed Stall Phenomena of Civil Aircraft | T. Lutz, J. Kleinert, A. Waldmann, Uni Stuttgart | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.3 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
Pressure Sensitive Paint Measurement In ETW For Investigation Of Unsteady Flow And Interaction Phenomenon | D. Yorita, U. Henne, C. Klein, DLR | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.3 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
Design of a UHBR Through Flow Nacelle for High-Speed Stall Wind Tunnel Investigations | S. Spinner, R. Rudnik, DLR | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.3 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
Numerical Simulation of Wake Tail Plane Interactions on a Tandem Wing Configuration in High-Speed Stall Conditions | J. Kleinert, T. Lutz, M. Blind, A. Beck, Uni Stuttgart | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.3 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
Prediction of Transonic Wing Buffet Pressures Based on Neural Network Approaches | R. Zahn, C. Breitsamter, TU München | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.4 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
flowTorch - A platform for analysis and reduced-order modeling of high speed stall flow phenomena | A. Weiner, R. Semaan, TU Braunschweig | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.4 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation of Ramp Flow Separation with the Discontinuous Galerkin Framework FLEXI | M. Blind, T. Kuhn, A. Beck, Uni Stuttgart | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2021 Session Q2.4 DFG/HGF High Speed Stall Research Initiative |
September 2021, Virtual Event |
Principles of Model Deformation Measurements at ETW | H. Quix, ETW | AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum Oral Presentation |
August 2021, Virtual Event |
Comparison of Heating Methods for Transition Detection by TSP on a Generic Nacelle in the Pilot ETW | P. Guntermann, ETW | Aerospace Europe Conference 2020 Presentation 128 |
February 2020, Bordeaux, France |
Unsteady Pressure Measurements by means of PSP in Cryogenic Conditions | C. Klein, D. Yorita, U. Henne, T. Kleindienst, S. Koch, DLR V. Ondrus, FH Münster |
58th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2020-0122 |
January 2020, Orlando, FL, USA |
Application of Temperature Sensitive Paint to Investigate Laminar-to-Turbulent Transition on Nacelles | C. Klein, D. Yorita, U. Henne, DLR V. Ondrus, FH Münster A.-K. Hensch, R. Longo, A. Gimbel, ETW S. von Deetzen, Deharde |
58th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2020-1608 |
January 2020, Orlando, FL, USA |
A New Efficient Method for Transition Detection by TSP on a Full Span Model by use of Infra-Red Laser | A.-K. Hensch, ETW | 58th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Oral Presentation |
January 2020, Orlando, FL, USA |
Progress on Shape Memory Alloy Remote Control Actuation (SMARCA) Testing in Cryogenic Facilities |
F.T. Calkins, D.E. Nicholson, M.A. Sleppy, M.S. Carpenter, A.F. Lafranchi, Boeing, S. von Deetzen, M. Müller, C. Clark, Deharde M.C.N. Wright, H. Quix, A.-K. Hensch, ETW D.R. Saxer, C.J. Cramer, NASA |
58th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Oral Presentation |
January 2020, Orlando, FL, USA |
Low & High Speed Cryogenic Testing of a Wind Tunnel Model With Remote Control Actuation (RCA) Spoiler |
F.T. Calkins, M.S. Carpenter, A.F. Lafranchi, D.E. Nicholson, M.A. Sleppy, Boeing, R.C. Griffiths, AeroTEC, S. von Deetzen, M. Müller, Deharde M.C.N. Wright, ETW C.J. Cramer, D.R. Saxer, NASA |
AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum AIAA 2019-2975 |
June 2019, Dallas, TX, USA |
Shape Memory Alloy enabled Remote Control Actuated High Speed Cryogenic Wind Tunnel Models |
D.E. Nicholson, F.T. Calkins, M.A. Sleppy, M.S. Carpenter, A.F. Lafranchi, Boeing, S. von Deetzen, M. Müller, Deharde M.C.N. Wright, H. Quix, A.-K. Hensch, ETW D.R. Saxer, C.J. Cramer, NASA |
SMST (Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies) Conference | May 2019 |
Comparison of microphone array measurements in the closed test section of LSWT and ETW | C. Spehr, T. Ahlefeldt, DLR | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 10 (1) | March 2019 |
Investigation of Hybrid Laminar Flow Control (HLFC) on a 2D-Model in the Cryogenic Pilot European Transonic Windtunnel (PETW) | A.-K. Hensch, P. Guntermann, R. Longo, J. Quest, P. Okfen, ETW C. Klein, S. Risius, DLR S. Schaber, Airbus |
57th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2019-1181 |
January 2019, San Diego, CA, USA |
Boundary layer transition detection on wind tunnel models during continuous pitch traverse | C. Klein, D. Yorita, U. Henne, DLR V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss, Uni Hohenheim A.-K. Hensch, R. Longo, ETW |
57th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2019-1180 |
January 2019, San Diego, CA, USA |
New Verification Concept for ETW’s 25 kN Balance Calibration Machine | J.H. You, H. Quix, J. Semmelmann, T. Baumgart, F.-J. Ernst, W. Strudthoff, ETW | 11th International Symposium on Strain-Gauge Balances | May 2018, Cologne, Germany |
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the ETW Slotted Wall Test Section | B. König, E. Fares, EXAM.C.N. Wright, ETW | NATO STO Symposium AVT-284, 12-1 - 12-14 | April 2018, Turin, Italy |
ESWIRP: European Strategic Wind tunnels Improved Research Potential program overview | G. Boyet, ONERA | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9 (2) | February 2018 |
Using wing model deformation for improvement of CFD results of ESWIRP project | P. Vrchota, A. Prachař, VZLU | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9 (2) | February 2018 |
Summary of the 2012 Boeing 787 Half Span Model High Speed Test at the European Transonic Windtunnel (Invited) | M.A. Sleppy, Boeing | 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2018-1137 |
January 2018, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Successful Application of Cryogenic Pressure Sensitive Paint Technique at ETW | D. Yorita, C. Klein, U. Henne, DLR V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss, Uni Hohenheim A.-K. Hensch, R. Longo, P. Guntermann, J. Quest, ETW |
56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2018-1136 |
January 2018, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Wind-Tunnel and CFD Investigations Focused on Transition and Performance Predictions of Laminar Wings | D. Hue, O. Vermeersch, J. Duchemin, ONERA O. Colin, D. Tran, Dassault Aviation |
AIAA Journal 56 (1) | January 2018 |
High-speed PIV applied to wake of NASA CRM model at high Re-number sub- and transonic stall conditions | R. Konrath, R. Geisler, J. Agocs, H. Ehlers, F. Philipp, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9 (2) | August 2017 |
Comparison of the NASA Common Research Model European Transonic Wind Tunnel Test Data to NASA Test Data | M. Rivers, NASA J. Quest, ETW R. Rudnik, DLR |
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9 (2) | July 2017 |
A numerical approach for assessing slotted wall interference using the CRM model at ETW | I.A. Kursakov, A.R. Gorbushin, S.M. Bosnyakov, S.A. Glazkov, A.V. Lysenkov, S.V. Matyash, A.V. Semenov, TsAGI J. Quest, ETW |
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9 (2) | June 2017 |
Microphone Array Measurement in European Transonic Wind Tunnel at Flight Reynolds Numbers | Thomas Ahlefeldt, DLR | AIAA Journal 55 (1) | January 2017 |
Application of Carbon Nanotubes and Temperature- Sensitive Paint for the Detection of Boundary Layer Transition under Cryogenic Conditions | C. Klein, U. Henne, D. Yorita, DLR U. Beifuss, V. Ondrus, Uni Hohenheim A.-K. Hensch, R. Longo, M. Hauser, P. Guntermann, J. Quest, ETW |
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2017-0336 |
January 2017, Grapevine, TX, USA |
Investigation of a Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique for ETW | D. Yorita, C. Klein, U. Henne, DLR V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss, Uni Hohenheim A.-K. Hensch, P. Guntermann, J. Quest, ETW |
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2017-0335 |
January 2017, Grapevine, TX, USA |
Development of flow structures in the near-field wake region of the Common Research Model | D.-M. Zimmermann, A. Waldmann, T. Lutz, E. Krämer, Uni Stuttgart | CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9 (2) | December 2016 |
Unsteady Wake of the NASA Common Research Model in Low-Speed Stall | A. Waldmann, P.P. Gansel, T. Lutz, E. Krämer, Uni Stuttgart | Journal of Aircraft 53 (4) | July 2016 |
Assessment and validation of aerodynamic performance results for a Natural Laminar Flow transonic wing tested in cryogenic conditions via simulation of turbulent wedges in CFD | A. Styles, AirbusS. Risius, DLR | RAeS 2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference | 19-21 July 2016 |
Prediction and Measurement of the Common Research Model Wake at Stall Conditions | T. Lutz, P.P. Gansel, A. Waldmann, D.-M. Zimmermann, S. Schulte am Hülse, Uni Stuttgart | Journal of Aircraft 53 (2) | March 2016 |
Development of a Highly Sensitive Temperature-Sensitive Paint for Measurements under Cryogenic Temperature (100K–160K) Conditions | C. Klein, U. Henne, M. Costantini, DLR V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss, Uni Hohenheim J. Zhai, DNW J. Quest, ETW |
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2016-0650 |
January 2016, San Diego, CA, USA |
Application of Lifetime-based Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique to Cryogenic Wind Tunnel Tests | D. Yorita, C. Klein, U. Henne, DLR V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss, Uni Hohenheim A.-K. Hensch, P. Guntermann, J. Quest, ETW |
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2016-0649 |
January 2016, San Diego, CA, USA |
Design, Manufacture and Commissioning of a new NLR Half Model Balance for ETW | M.C.N. Wright, ETW B.R. Nahuis, B.A.T. Noordman, W.J. Vankan, NLR |
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-1788 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Flight Test Tailored ETW Testing of a Commercial Transport High Lift Configuration | R. Rudnik, N. Bier, DLR J. Quest, M. Schulz, ETW |
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-1559 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Dynamic Measurements on the NASA CRM Model tested in ETW | H. Quix, A-K Hensch, ETW | 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-1097 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
High-Speed PIV Applied to Wake of NASA CRM Model in ETW Under High Re-Number Stall Conditions for Sub- and Transonic Speeds | R. Konrath, R. Geisler, J. Agocs, D. Otter, H. Ehlers, F. Philipp, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-1095 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Comparison of the NASA Common Research Model European Transonic Wind Tunnel Test Data to NASA Test Data (Invited) | M. Rivers, NASA J. Quest, ETW R. Rudnik, DLR |
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-1093 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Slotted Wall Interference Investigation in ETW using the NASA CRM model | A.R. Gorbushin, S.M. Bosnyakov, S.A. Glazkov, I.A. Kursakov, A.V. Lysenkov, S.V. Matyash, A.V. Semenov, TsAGI J. Quest, ETW |
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-0621 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Validation of Wing Deformation Simulations for the NASA CRM Model using Fluid-Structure Interaction Computations | S. Keye, R. Rudnik, DLR | 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2015-0619 |
January 2015, Kissimmee, FL, USA |
Modification of the Control & Measurement Software for the Balance Calibration Machine at ETW | J. Mantik, H. Quix, W. Strudthoff, U. Jansen, and F.J. Ernst, ETW | 9th Balance Calibration Symposium Paper 18 |
May 2014 |
Assessing Model Dynamics within the Critical Alpha Range | H. Quix, W. Strudthoff, ETW | 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2014-1484 |
January 2014, National Harbor, MD, USA |
Real-Flight Microphone-Array Measurements on a Scaled Model in ETW | T. Ahlefeldt, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2014-1483 |
January 2014, National Harbor, MD, USA |
Going for Experimental and Numerical Unsteady Wake Analyses Combined with Wall Interference Assessment by Using the NASA CRM Model in ETW | T. Lutz, P. P. Gansel, Univ. Stuttgart J.-L. Godard, ONERA A. Gorbushin, TsAGI R. Konrath, DLR J. Quest, ETW S.M.B. Rivers, NASA |
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2013-0871 |
January 2013, Grapevine, TX, USA |
Enhancement of the Stereo Pattern Tracking Technique for Model Deformation Assessment at ETW | J. Mantik, H. Quix, J. Quest, ETW | 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2013-0870 |
January 2013, Grapevine, TX, USA |
Flow Field Measurements by PIV at High Reynolds Numbers | R. Konrath, J. Agocs, R. Geisler, D. Otter, E.W.M. Roosenboom, T. Wolf, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2013-0869 |
January 2013, Grapevine, TX, USA |
Development of new two-component temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) for cryogenic testing | Y. Egami, AIT U. Fey, C. Klein, DLR J. Quest, ETW V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss, Uni Hohenheim |
Measurement Science and Technology 23 (11) | October 2012 |
High-Reynolds Number Aeroacoustic Testing Under Pressurised Cryogenic Conditions in PETW | T. Ahlefeldt, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2012-0107 |
January 2012, Nashville, TN, USA |
HINVA - High lift INflight VAlidation - Project Overview and Status | R. Rudnik, DLR D. Reckzeh, Airbus J. Quest, ETW |
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2012-0106 |
January 2012, Nashville, TN, USA |
Numerical Maximum Lift Predictions of a Realistic Commercial Aircraft in Landing Configuration | N. Bier, D. Rohlmann, R. Rudnik, DLR | 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2012-0279 |
January 2012, Nashville, TN, USA |
Hotwires in Pressurized, Cryogenic Environment - It Works! | H. Quix, J. Quest, ETW | 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2012-0105 |
January 2012, Nashville, TN, USA |
Problem of Interference of an Ogival Body of Revolution With the Wind-Tunnel Sting And Specific Features of Computing This Problem | S. Bosnyakov, V. Vlasenko, I. Kursakov, S. Mikhaylov, TsAGI J. Quest, ETW |
TsAGI Sciences Journal 41 (2) | 2011 |
A short history of the European Transonic Wind Tunnel ETW | J. Green, ARA J. Quest, ETW |
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 47 (5) | July 2011 |
Aero-Structural Wind Tunnel Experiments with Elastic Wing Models at High Reynolds Numbers (HIRENASD - ASDMAD) | J. Ballmann, A. Boucke, B.-H. Chen, L. Reimer, M. Behr, A. Dafnis, C. Buxel, S. Buesing, H.-G. Reimerdes, K.-H. Brakhage, H. Olivier, RWTH Aachen University M. Kordt, J. Brink-Spalink, F. Theurich, A. Büscher, Airbus |
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2011-0882 |
January 2011, Orlando, FL, USA |
Complementary Numerical and Experimental Data Analysis of the ETW Telfona Pathfinder Wing Transition Tests | T. Streit, K.-H. Horstmann, DLR G. Schrauf, Airbus S. Hein, U. Fey, Y. Egami, DLR J. Perraud, I. S. El Din, ONERA U. Cella, Piaggio AI J. Quest, ETW |
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2011-0881 |
January 2011, Orlando, FL, USA |
Hot-Wire Measurements in Cryogenic Environment | H. Quix, J. Quest, C. Brzek, ETW | 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2011-0880 |
January 2011, Orlando, FL, USA |
Adaptation of PIV for Application in Cryogenic Pressurized Wind Tunnel Facilities at High Reynolds Numbers | Robert Konrath, Dirk Otter, Reinhard Geisler, Janos Agocs, Hartmut Mattner, E.W.M. Roosenboom, Uwe Fey, DLR Jürgen Quest, Christian Kühn, ETW |
15th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics Paper 1572 |
July 2010 |
Transonic High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in the ETW Cryogenic Wind Tunnel | J. Perraud, ONERA G. Schrauf, Airbus I. Archambaud, ONERA R. Donelli, CIRA T. Streit, DLR A. Hanifi, FOI U. Fey, Y. Egami, S. Hein, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2010-1300 |
January 2010, Orlando, FL, USA |
Advanced Measurement Techniques for High Reynolds Number Testing in Cryogenic Wind Tunnels | U. Fey, R. Konrath, T. Kirmse, T. Ahlefeldt, J. Kompenhans, DLR | 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2010-1301 |
January 2010, Orlando, FL, USA |
Microphone-Array Measurements in a Cryogenic Wind Tunnel | Thomas Ahlefeldt, Lars Koop, DLR | AIAA Journal 48 (7) | July 2010 |
Advanced Aeroelastic Testing at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Future Challenges | H. Hönlinger, M. Böswald, H. Mai, DLR G. Dietz, ETW |
NATO RTO Symposium AVT-152, KNZ-1 - KNZ-31 | May 2008, Loen, Norway |
Computational Tools for Supporting the Testing of Civil Aircraft Configurations in Wind Tunnels | S. Bosnyakov, I. Kursakov, A. Lysenkov, S. Matyash, S. Mikhailov, V. Vlasenko, TsAGI J. Quest, ETW |
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 44 (4), pp. 67 - 120, Elsevier | Dec. 2007 |
Investigation of a Half-Model High-Lift Configuration in a Wind Tunnel | P. Eliasson, FOI Sweden | Journal of Aircraft 45 (1) | Jan-Feb 2008 |
The FALCON 7X: from ETW to flight | M. Stojanowski, E. Germain, Dassault Aviation | 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2008-0835 |
January 2008 Reno, NV, USA |
Stall Behaviour of the EUROLIFT High Lift Configurations | R. Rudnik, DLR | 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2008-0836 |
January 2008 Reno, NV, USA |
Experimental Analysis of High Reynolds Number Aero-Structural Dynamics in ETW | J. Ballmann et al., RWTH Aachen | 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2008-0841 |
January 2008 Reno, NV, USA |
On Application of Surface Measurement Techniques for Cryogenic High Reynolds Number Investigations on Wind Tunnel Models | J. Leuckert, J. Domhardt, W. Nitsche, TU Berlin J. Quest, ETW |
46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2008-0842 |
January 2008 Reno, NV, USA |
Performance Testing with High Productivity in a Low Speed Flight Reynolds Number Test Campaign | R.C. Griffiths, Boeing M.C.N. Wright, ETW |
ICAS 2006, 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences | September 2006 Hamburg, Germany |
High Reynolds Number Aerostructural Dynamics Experiments in the ETW | J. Ballmann, A. Dafnis, C. Braun, H. Korsch, H.-G. Reimerdes, H. Olivier, RWTH Aachen | ICAS 2006, 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences | September 2006 Hamburg, Germany |
New Generation of Cryogenic Wind Tunnel Models | J. de Pablo Pérez, Airbus Spain, M. Schulz, B. Hildebrand, ETW |
EU, 5th Community Aeronautical Days | June 2006 Vienna, Austria |
Advanced Measurement Techniques at High Reynolds Number Testing in the ETW | D. Schimanski, E. Germain, W. Strudthoff, ETW | Aerospace Testing Expo 2005, Open Technology Forum | April 2005 Hamburg, Germany |
The M-DAW Project, Investigations in Novel Wing Tip Device Design | A. Mann, Airbus UK E. Elsholz, Airbus D |
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA-2005-0461 |
January 2005 Reno, NV, USA |
Business Jet Type Configuration at ETW | M. Stojanowski, Dassault Aviation | 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2005-0460 |
January 2005 Reno, NV, USA |
The Development and Application of Optical Measurement Techniques for High Reynolds NumberTesting in Cryogenic Environment | E. Germain, J. Quest, ETW | 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2005-0458 |
January 2005 Reno, NV, USA |
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Slot Flow with Respect toWind Tunnel Wall Interference Assessment | S.A. Glazkow, A.R. Gorbushin, A.I. Ivanow, A.V. Semenow, V.V. Vlasenko, TsAGI J. Quest, ETW |
42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA-2004-2308 |
January 2004 Reno, NV, USA |
The ETW Wall Interference Assessment for Full and Half Models | N. Gross, J. Quest, ETW | 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2004-0769 |
January 2004 Reno, NV, USA |
On the Development of Planar Velocimetry Techniques for Cryogenic Wind Tunnels | C. Willert, DLR J. Quest, ETW |
5th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry | September 2003 Busan, Korea |
On the Development of Doppler Global Velocimetry for Cryogenic Wind Tunnels | C. Willert, DLR, J. Quest, U. Jansen, ETW |
20th International Congress in Aerospace Simulation Facilities (ICIASF) | August 2003, Göttingen, Germany |
Transition Detection by Temperature Sensitive Paint at Cryogenic Temperatures in the ETW | U. Fey, DLR, Y. Egami, NAL, J. Quest, U. Jansen, ETW |
20th International Congress in Aerospace Simulation Facilities (ICIASF) | August 2003, Göttingen, Germany |
Model Deformation Measurement in ETW Using the Moiré Technique | D. Pallek, K.A. Bütefisch, DLR J. Quest, W. Strudthoff, ETW |
20th International Congress in Aerospace Simulation Facilities (ICIASF) | August 2003, Göttingen, Germany |
Tools and Techniques for high Reynolds Number Testing; Status and Recent Improvements at ETW |
D. Schimanski, J. Quest, ETW | 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2003-0755 |
January 2003, Reno, NV, USA |
Testing of a Modern Transport Aircraft Configuration in ETW close to Mach = 0.9 | S. Rolston, Airbus UK, J. Quest, M.C.N. Wright, ETW |
ICAS 2003, 23rd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences – 3.8.1 | September 2002, Toronto, Canada |
ETW – A Facility for High Reynolds Number Testing | G. Hefer, ETW | IUTAM Symposium Transsonicum IV | September 2002 Göttingen, Germany |
First Measurements on an Airbus High Lift Configuration at ETW up to Flight Reynolds Numbers | H. Hansen, EADS Airbus, G.G. Mesuro, EADS-CASA J. Quest, M.C.N. Wright, ETW |
40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2002-0423 |
January 2002, Reno, NV, USA |
Investigation of a Modern Transport Aircraft Configuration over a Large Range of Reynolds Numbers | J. Quest, ETW, S. Rolston, Airbus UK, M.C.N. Wright, ETW |
40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2002-0422 |
January 2002, Reno, NV, USA |
ETW - Analytical Approach to Assess the Wing Twist of Pressure Plotted Wind Tunnel Models | N. Gross, ETW | 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 2002-0310 |
January 2002 Reno, NV, USA |
Development of the Half Model Testing Capability at ETW | M.C.N. Wright, ETW | DGLR-Fachtagung “Messtechnik in kryogenen Windkanälen” |
March 2001, München, Germany |
Der Europäische Transsonikwindkanal ETW – Mess- und Versuchstechnik in Gegenwart und Zukunft | W. Burgsmüller, ETW | DGLR-Fachtagung “Messtechnik in kryogenen Windkanälen” | March 2001, München, Germany |
ETW - Simulations of True Flight Behaviour | J. Quest, ETW | EU Aeronautics Days No.3/4, Vol.3, Page 115 | January 2001, Hamburg, Germany |
ETW – High Quality Test Performance in Cryogenic Environment | J. Quest, ETW | 21st AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conf. AIAA 2000-2206 |
June 2000, Denver, CO, USA |
The ETW, a Facility for High Reynolds Number Testing | G. Hefer, D. Schimanski, ETW | Interntl. Conference “New Technologies of Experimental Research and Simulation”, ILA 2000 | June 2000, Berlin, Germany |
The European Transonic Wind Tunnel: ETW High Quality Performance With High Productivity | J. A. Tizard, X. Bouis, ETW | Interntl. Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition | June 1994, The Hague, Netherlands |
Status of the European Transonic Windtunnel (ETW) | X. Bouis, ETW | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 1993 Session Windkanal-Technologie (Kryo-Technik) |
September 1993, Göttingen, Germany |