Services & Systems
Whilst many aspects of the services provided by ETW do not differ from the common practice in present conventional large wind tunnels, the key elements related to high Reynolds number testing and productivity are unique to ETW. You may find details in the ETW User Guide.
Included in our services are:
- Advice on model design, instrumentation and test techniques, many of which are specific to ETW
- Provision of the ETW Model Design Handbook which outlines the criteria for the design, construction, analysis, and quality assurance of test assemblies and components for testing in ETW
- Optional one-stop shop service including model manufacturing
- Evaluation of Client test programmes to optimize the test objectives with cost effectiveness of operation and to determine the scope of data processing
- Estimation of test duration and cost of Client programmes
- Testing of the Client’s model and the supply of test results.
ETW can also provide, if required, services to undertake or assist in:
- Model specification
- Model design and manufacture
- Model preparation
- Model rigging and configuration changes
- Software development
- Data analysis
- Instrumentation calibration.
ETW has a small machine shop where running repairs or modifications to equipment can be made either by ETW staff or by qualified Client personnel.
The following test equipment is offered to Clients:
- Model supports (single sting, twin sting)
- Internal strain gauge balances
- Balance calibration facilities
- Model instrumentation
- Flow visualisation
- Model deformation measurement
- Half model support and external balance.
Throughout the design of the buildings, the wind tunnel, the control systems, the data acquisition systems and the software development, ETW has taken Security and Client Confidentiality into account.
ETW Floor Map
ETW can provide up to three Clients with complete privacy at any one time for all aspects of wind tunnel testing and the associated data processing. Each user is allocated a set of three rooms: a model preparation room, a cart rigging bay (CRB) and a data analysis room.
User Room for Data Analysis
In these rooms the Client can undertake the model preparation, rigging, ambient temperature check-out, cart installation and data analysis in complete confidentiality. These rooms are for Client use only, for the full duration of the test. Access to these rooms, and others in the facility, is controlled by the use of magnetic cards.
ETW is dedicated to protect all Client data from disclosure and misuse and is ensuring this through personnel, physical, logical and procedural measures. On the technical side, the prime elements of security are physical and logical separation of data and access control on a strict need-to-know basis.
Further details of our security systems are provided on Client's request.