Press: Gallery
Taking into account the copyright restrictions below, you may use the pictures from the gallery.
Aerodynamic Circuit
View with ETW reference model from the settling chamber. Hi-Res [22MB]
View from corner 4. Hi-Res [82MB]
View from corner 4. Hi-Res [29MB]
View from outside. Hi-Res [109MB]
View from corner 3. Hi-Res [46MB]
View from corner 3. Hi-Res [74MB]
View from corner 3 with engineers. Hi-Res [37MB]
View from corner 2 with engineer. Hi-Res [47MB]
View from corner 2. Hi-Res [41MB]
View from corner 2. Hi-Res [16MB]
View from outside. Hi-Res [39MB]
View to injection rake. Hi-Res [109MB]
View from outside. Hi-Res [109MB]
View from outside. Hi-Res [109MB]
Test Section
Downstream view to A380 model. Hi-Res [350kB]
Downstream view to Airbus low-speed testing model. Hi-Res [2MB]
Downstream view to A320 model. Hi-Res [87MB]
Upstream view to A310 model. Hi-Res [66MB]
Upstream view to A310 model. Hi-Res [13MB]
Downstream view to A340 model. Hi-Res [95MB]
Downstream view to A340 model. Hi-Res [5MB]
Downstream view to ETW reference model. Hi-Res [10MB]
Downstream view to Attach 2000 model. Hi-Res [39MB]
Downstream view to ETW reference model. Hi-Res [5MB]
Downstream view to ETW reference model with TSP coating. Hi-Res [24MB]
Downstream view to ETW reference model at min/max incidence. Hi-Res [17MB]
Upstream view to ETW reference model. Hi-Res [8MB]
Upstream view to ETW reference model. Hi-Res [9MB]
Downstream view to ETW reference model through adjustable nozzle. Hi-Res [23MB]
Downstream view to Airbus low-speed testing model. Hi-Res [39MB]
Downstream view to F7X high-speed testing model. Hi-Res [5MB]
Observation camera view using ambient lighting. Hi-Res [450kB]
Facility Impressions
ETW breeds more than aircraft. Hi-Res [4MB]
B001, B004, B006. Hi-Res [5MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [38MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [24MB]
View to A380 model at CRB. Hi-Res [27MB]
View to Attach 2000 model at CRB. Hi-Res [22MB]
View to Attach 2000 model at CRB. Hi-Res [64MB]
View to Attach 2000 model at CRB. Hi-Res [2MB]
Birds'-eye view. Hi-Res [34MB]
Birds'-eye view. Hi-Res [32MB]
Birds'-eye view. Hi-Res [8MB]
Side view. Hi-Res [70MB]
Side view. Hi-Res [109MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [81MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [37MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [109MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [7MB]
Test-section view to ETW reference model. Hi-Res [5MB]
Test-section view to ETW reference model. Hi-Res [41MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [109MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [7MB]
Outside view. Hi-Res [6MB]
Inside view. Hi-Res [39MB]
Inside view. Lo-Res [34kB]
Keeping healthy a ETW. Hi-Res [4MB]
Panorama View. Hi-Res [25MB]
Inside View. Hi-Res [3MB]
Panorama View. Hi-Res [39MB]
Drawings / Diagramms
Drawing. Hi-Res [9MB]
Drawing. Hi-Res [11MB]
ETW Performance Envelope Drawing. Hi-Res [30kB]
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Using ETW Imagery:
The European Transonic Windtunnel GmbH (ETW) holds the copyright of the images provided herein. You may use these images free of charge for educational or information purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages provided you follow the rule that ETW should be acknowledged as the source of the material. E.g.: “Image: ETW”, “Images: ETW”, “Copyright: ETW”.
This general permission does not include any use of the ETW logo without prior approval of ETW GmbH.
If the ETW material is to be used for other purposes or for commercial purposes, especially including advertisements, prior approval of ETW GmbH is required. In this case, a written application for approval is required providing comprehensive information about the intended use (by Email or Fax), and a sample of the proposed publication. Only then can it be decided if ETW GmbH is able to provide the material for the intended purpose. If an ETW image includes an identifiable person, use of the image for commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from that person. Any questions regarding application of any ETW image or logo should be directed to Corporate Communications (see below).
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Die Rechte aller hier enthaltenen Bilder liegen -sofern nicht anders angegeben- bei der Europäischen Transschall Windkanal GmbH (ETW). Das Bildmaterial kann zur Verbreitung in Presse und Medien, zur persönlichen Information und für pädagogische Zwecke unter folgenden Bedingungen kostenfrei genutzt werden: Geben Sie als Bildquelle den ETW an. Beispiele: "Bild: ETW", "Bilder: ETW", "Bildrechte: ETW", "Copyright: ETW".
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51147 Köln, Germany
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